There is definitely a focus on multinational enterprises, and we've made a significant investment there. Our return on investment in that space averages 20:1. However, we are also in the compliance business, so we are making significant investments in terms of promoters of tax schemes that are marketed to small and medium enterprises and individual Canadians, because we think those people are helping induce people into committing tax avoidance and possibly tax evasion.
We are hiring lawyers for our criminal investigation program, because the most serious cases of tax evasion need to be prosecuted, but the standard for criminal prosecution in this country is understandably high, so we are giving them more people.
Then, there are IT investments that are being made to help us data-mine electronic funds transfers over $10,000. We have a record of every transfer over $10,000 inside and outside of Canada. We are up to 29 million records and that's going to continue to grow, but we need IT tools to be able to decide which of those deserve our attention.