Those are two separate questions.
On the first question, I think it is fair to say that we've had some success this year. The decision by Thomson Reuters to locate their headquarters in Toronto was a positive one, and investment decisions by Microsoft, General Electric, and General Motors in Canada have been positive. That said, we know that more can be done. In our fall economic statement, there were several measures that we think will have a very positive impact on investment in Canada.
First of all, we announced that we were going to put in place an “invest in Canada” hub to focus our efforts around the country on how we can encourage more international investors to invest in Canada to create jobs here in Canada. That's critically important.
We also said that companies here in Canada that need particular talents and particular skill sets will have the opportunity to attract those people to Canada. Really, that's with the intent of hoping that they will be able to increase employment here in Canada by attracting those certain skills.
We also announced the Canada infrastructure bank, with which we hope to find projects that international investors will be able to be part of and that will enhance our infrastructure here in Canada, creating jobs now and a more productive economy in the long term.
On your second question, tax fairness is also critically important. We put in place measures in our budget to ensure that we are able to collect the taxes that are owed in this country. We're moving forward this year to look at how we can simplify the tax code to ensure Canadians can understand our tax code and believe it's fair, so that they will be able to understand and reap the benefits of a well-designed and well-understood tax code.