Thank you, Minister, for coming today.
Just from going door to door in my riding during the summer, I learned that the Canada child benefit was a massive hit. Families really appreciated the extra money, the fact that it was after tax, and that they received it just in time to go back-to-school shopping. That was a great piece from the government.
To pick up on my colleague's comments on the business tax deduction for doctors and to clarify things for my colleague, nothing in the law prohibits doctors from still forming these partnerships. The only change in the law is that now they equally will share the small business deduction of $500,000, which was the original intent of the law. In my previous experience as a corporate lawyer, I think it's actually the fair thing to do.
Minister, both you and the Prime Minister have been travelling the world, promoting Canada as this great place to invest. What do you see as the global economic challenges for Canada's economic growth outlook?