Well, without trying to quantify it, but speaking to it at a higher level, I think that, yes, it is the case that both Canada and Taiwan or Israel....
Let me simplify my response by just talking about Canada. Canada benefits from being able to invest in the other place with a lower withholding tax or other taxes applying, with greater certainty as to when taxes apply. That's a benefit for our outbound investors. It's also a benefit for people who are working as consultants or the like to know when it is that they might be taxable in the other's jurisdiction and when not. Similarly, it can be a benefit for Canada on inbound investment if the investors in the other country have greater certainty as to what the Canadian rules are that would apply to them. So there are benefits in that respect.
The reason we can't quantify this is that we don't know really the behavioural response. We could take today the amount of interest dividends or royalties paid to Israel, for example, and apply a differential tax rate to it to say that it will cost us such and such an amount to have a lower tax rate in place, but that really wouldn't tell you the story. It really wouldn't tell you how much additional investment you're going to get as a result of the lower taxes or the greater certainty from having a treaty in place.