I'll say first of all that the privacy and security of tax information is paramount to us and to other countries. It would undercut the benefits or the utility of a self-assessment system, even domestically, if taxpayers couldn't be assured of the security of their information. It's perhaps doubly important, I suppose, when we're sharing information with other jurisdictions. The Canada Revenue Agency takes great pains to assure itself that for the information it shares under the exchange of information provisions of our tax treaties and our tax information exchange agreements, the other country or jurisdiction with which it has that relationship will use the information only for tax purposes, and has processes and security features in place to protect and secure the confidentiality of that information.
That works both ways. Other countries are also keenly interested in knowing that the Canada Revenue Agency will protect that information as well. I think the CRA holds a good reputation in that respect, but it's a concern on all fronts.