I will. I confess that I was Sarah's first boss many years ago when she first joined the Department of Foreign Affairs. I worked on Taiwan for a long time, as many of the people here at the table have done. I'm in my 30th year of Canada-China relations, and I think I have a fairly good feel for what's doable and what's a bridge too far.
This one strikes me as doable. As Ms. Taylor said, there are many issues that Taiwan complains about. On some issues, when they come up, you just know: you're waiting for the knock on the door from the Chinese ambassador. You can almost hear his footsteps coming down the hall. But this, to me, is not one of those.
They watch the formalities like a hawk. I've looked over the agreement, and the formalities are being met in a way that is satisfactory to them, I believe. One trick in negotiating with the PRC, in my experience, is that if you honour the formalities, you can get away with a lot of substance. I've had substantive, sometimes very confidential, arrangements made with China where we were honouring the form and getting a lot of substance. I walked away from the table happy and I think they did as well, because they got the form honoured, and they cared less about the substance.
I think this is an example where the amount of investment that's going to flow in either direction is just a rounding error on our own investment arrangement with China, so this to me is in that okay category. But to try to do an FTA with Taiwan—this is my personal opinion—without having advanced one with China would be probably a bridge too far. Sliding it into a TPP would have worked, but to do it all by itself as a stand-alone, without one with the PRC, would be tough. That's a personal opinion.