It's interesting. In November 2016, I believe, CMHC released their rental market report, which revealed that the supply of rental housing has actually been quite robust, and that rental rates themselves have somewhat stabilized. Again, it is absolutely correct that this differs region by region, but at a macro-national level, in fact, the rental supply has been fairly good.
To your point about whether home ownership is sort of the be-all and end-all, in Germany, I believe the rental rates are at approximately 50%- to 60%, and home ownership is not the be-all and end-all. I think it makes the point—and this is why I try to choose my words very carefully—that at the end of the day, it's the roof over one's head that most Canadians find most attractive or prioritize. It's not necessarily the case that ownership has to be the final solution. For many of our tenants in the social space, it's simply not something they can realize.