Even in little old Halifax about 27% of our home prices are taxes, development charges, levies, and water and sewer fees, so we're on the low end compared with Toronto, but we still have quite a bit of fees and taxes.
I would say right now we don't have any buyers entering the market. As a real estate agent, I sell to first-time homebuyers, but as a builder, I can't necessarily build anything that could accommodate a first-time homebuyer price-wise because of the cost of land and things like that.
We have nobody entering the market buying Bob and Mary's bungalow so Bob and Mary can move into their dream home that Tamara built them. We have nobody entering, so the choo-choo train chugs along, and then we sell Bob and Mary a new home, and then the people who were in this home move out and buy a condo, and retire happily in a condo. We have nobody going into the market.