A capital gains tax would be an improvement, but I don't know that it's ideal, particularly when we're talking about family-owned businesses such as the family farm, or, in my case, a business that's worth under $10 million.
For instance, it's difficult for my children to come up with the money. They have to go to somebody who's willing to lend them that money, which is difficult, so we may do an “earn-in”. It may be a delayed kind of thing, but if I want to give them true ownership of it, I'm deemed to have disposed of it immediately and taxed immediately, whether or not I have a dollar in my pocket.
That's problematic, and it passes a burden on to the next generation that frankly isn't fair. We worked for however many years. I've worked for Hunter Wire for 30 years. We pay our taxes. We pay all of our employee contributions. We pay all of the other things we have to pay, and then, for the sake of that, we get to pay again so that the next generation can take it over and have the same kinds of struggles.
Those things tend to weaken the business, and it's no wonder that second- and third-generation businesses are so rare. It's so difficult to pass them on, and the burdens get passed on generation after generation.
If you allow those businesses a leg up—say we pay taxes for 30 or 40 years, and now my family can take it over without taking on those burdens again—it makes them stronger. Then we can look at growth, more employment, hiring more people, and investing in more technology. We give them a boost. We give them a head start, rather than penalizing them so that they're starting all over again. It's a like a business game of Snakes and Ladders. You climb that ladder, and then you get to that point and go down to the bottom and start all over again.
I understand the need for taxes, but to go back to your point about targeting, let's target it. It doesn't have to apply to everybody, but certainly to small businesses at a certain threshold. Maybe we scale that so that as a business gets larger, the tax percentage that is payable is higher, but for a lot of small businesses that are worth a few million dollars, I think we can forgo those taxes to give them an opportunity to survive long into the future and change the statistics of second- and third-generation business survival, which are so poor .