Thank you for the question.
In today's environment it should not be that difficult because the satellite transmission and the wireless side has come down, particularly if you start looking at the next generation 5G network. Today, most networks in Canada can only transfer 400 megabytes at high speed. When you go to 5G, you're talking about 10 gigabytes or a terabyte level of movement. Those networks' costs are coming down, and that's why we're starting to look at investing in next generation networks.
Also, as you invest in physical infrastructure—I hear this when I talk to the P3 people working on private-public partnerships—every time there is construction going on, laying the fibre in the ground along with it should be almost mandatory. If you're making holes and digging for pipes and roads, put a fibre down as it happens. Reaching that last mile is a lot easier now. Cost has come down tremendously and satellite transmissions are also cheaper nowadays to reach extremely remote areas.