Thank you for the question.
I will answer in English, if I may.
As I said earlier, the reality is that ports are very much economic generators. We are facilitators of trade and economic activity in two ways. It is through the cargo that we move, and as the port authorities have evolved their business models, they have also become export developers in their own right. They will go abroad, bring local businesses with them, and help develop export markets abroad as well as bringing cargo into Canada.
By virtue of playing that facilitator role, the port therefore contributes not only to its community but to the broader economy. However, in order to be able to do that, the ports do require the capacity to grow. We represent a very wide range of ports, a lot of them within city limits. They need space to grow. They need to be able to have the flexibility to trade land parcels so that it works best for the municipalities and the people living there, as well as for the port. In addition, they need to be able to invest in information technology that will allow them to simply manage the movement of goods more efficiently. When it comes back to investments in infrastructure and the importance of that, by being part of the funding blend for ports, it simply becomes an additional enabler for ports to grow.
We talk about P3s. Ports typically invest in what I call P6s. Their funding model is a combination of federal, provincial, and municipal funding, private sector resources, and borrowed funds. It's a patchwork. Federal funding is an important part of that. It's a catalyst.