We've been working on this for a number of years. Several of us who live and breathe youth suicide and who want to make a difference have been working on this particular ask for several years and have shared everything with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. It's quite honestly going to take all of us to get it right.
It's so rewarding to see that the commission has now looked at the same model we're talking about, looking at it from a slightly different perspective, lifespan as opposed to youth.
We believe that if you are going to start with something and take that first bite of the elephant, it should be children and youth, because that's where the greatest impact can be.
I'm absolutely prepared to work with the commission. I've had several conversations with the commission. Some of their leads around suicide prevention have approached me on multiple occasions. Their leads have changed, unfortunately, several times, so it's hard to find out exactly who the main person is.
The group we've brought together is poised to work with whoever is ready to make a difference in this area.