We completely disagree with the member. Let me say that unemployment statistics are not just statistics, so when we say that we've created 276,000 new jobs over the last 12 months, 81% of them full-time, those are not just statistics; those are families that have jobs. Every one of those families with a full-time job is feeling more optimistic. Every one of those families that's feeling more optimistic is more likely to put kids in piano lessons or in hockey camp or do the things that it wants to do as a family. That is what's helping our economy to be successful.
As we look towards what we can invest in the future, it's about having optimistic families that are making investments in the future, investments in their children, investments in themselves, so they can improve their own skills and make all of us wealthier because the economy will be more successful. That is exactly what we're trying to achieve. The good news for all of us, even those who don't agree with our plan, is that it's working, so it's going to be better for you too.