We have several. One is the consultation proper, together with discussions and negotiations about what the fee should be, in view of the impact on those sectors. I'm very glad that I'm not in the farming sector when I'm trying to set fees.
Second, we have a policy of fee mitigation for small or medium enterprises. Any small or medium enterprise can benefit from a reduction in fees, and we have excellent take-up of that process. We've done audits of it, and it's in very good shape. The people taking up the reductions in fees have a right to do so and there's good evidence to suggest that the right people are getting it. We've done audits on this.
Third, we're going to create a dispute resolution system so that stakeholders can come and discuss their situations with Health Canada. This of course will be something that we have to work on over the coming months as we develop this new regime with our stakeholders. We'll have to look at where and how that's going to work. Dispute resolution, though, is something that we're planning to do.
Fourth, we rarely have the kind of impact with stakeholders that we have with Health Canada.