That's what we're basically proposing.
We're asking for an exemption from what was the User Fees Act and what is to be renamed as the Service Fees Act. We essentially meet all the requirements and the criteria that are in it.
In addition, pursuant to budget 2017 and some of the transformations that are going on in the pharmaceutical, medical access, and affordability world, we are already building new regulatory processes by which we can transform how we do our work.
It is a minimum 15-month process, and probably more like 18 months, to lift and shift our current set of fees under the Food and Drugs Act. Given the ambiguity of the timing of the implementation of the TBS changes and the coming into force therein, we thought that it would be better to get out ahead of that. In addition, we're talking about a comprehensive approach under the Food and Drugs Act that aligns to the policy, to the instrument the minister has. The minister will set fees through ministerial order.
However, ministerial order is not a blank cheque. It is essentially a regulatory process lite, with all of the elements of the regulatory process. It just minimizes a few of them, so that we will able to do this more than once every 22 years.