Thank you very much for your question.
The purpose of this amendment is not to determine how the amount is calibrated but more how it's satisfied, the criteria for what instruments may be eligible. However, I'm happy to respond to both.
On the question of how it would be calibrated, we would be looking at what losses a domestic systemically important bank could plausibly experience, based on historical experience and stress testing, and also what level of capital is necessary to restore the bank to adequate levels of capitalization, with a buffer beyond that to establish confidence in the bank. This is a bank that has failed, so the intent is to recapitalize it such that it can continue to remain operating.
In addition to the calibration of the amount, this amendment that we are seeking views on will allow us to establish criteria as to what instruments, regulatory capital, or long-term debt are available to meet this requirement. We are seeking flexibility here not only in calibrating the amount but also in how to satisfy this amount, given that this is a new standard and market practices are evolving as well as international standards.