Yes, there are transitional measures in the act. Right now the threshold is $800 million.
I heard that it was $600 million, but it's actually $800 million.
For applications that have already been filed, so where there's an application for review filed and it's based on the current enterprise value of the Canadian business that is to be acquired, if the enterprise value is below $1 billion and a decision has not yet been made when these amendments come into force, then the application would be deemed not to have been filed. Essentially, it will require a recalculation of what the enterprise value is at the time these amendments come into force, which for public companies is based on market capitalization. They'll do that recalculation. If at that time the Canadian business is valued at more than $1 billion, then of course it would be subject to review; if it's less than $1 billion, it would not be subject to review.