I was head of the addiction psychiatry division at U of T, and then also founding head of the addiction psychiatry program at UBC, so addictions have kind of been my career. Fetal alcohol syndrome is, as you're saying, completely preventable. One of the things, though, that we have to recognize in Canada is that, when we talk about how one in five Canadians will have a mental illness, Canada has separated out alcohol and drugs from other mental health issues more than any other country. Actually, substance-related disorder is the second most common mental health disorder diagnosed in Canada, but when we talk about mental health in Canada, we say mental health and addictions. It's the second most common mental health diagnosis in Canada, and although it's in the data for the call to action for investment from the Mental Health Commission, there's absolutely nothing in there that responds to the needs.
We have great examples in Canada, such as CARBC, and some of the research that's been done. Some of the best research in fetal alcohol syndrome anywhere in the world is happening in Canada. But, again, there's that need to invest in the upstream and to make sure that addictions aren't separated out from mental health, because it is the second most common form.