Again, you can't read it, but we sent it electronically, the information on the pyramid or tier model. It isn't something that we came up with on our own. It's something that we've done with Veterans Affairs, the specialty program we've done. Around the world they're using this tiered model.
Basically, in Canada we started investing down here in the pyramid, and that's all we know we need. If you can invest at the lowest tier possible, you will see the results in terms of cost and time savings in the tiers above. Very clearly, if you were taking a methodical approach to looking at this, you would look at the services at the base of the diagram, the services in the community that have wide access, that are innovative, and that are evidence-based. We have brought them into Canada, and there are examples. B.C. is the province that's gone the furthest in a program called Bounce Back, as an example. It has had huge cost savings and time savings in primary care. It's dramatically improved access to services for people. It can also be delivered by telephone or by e-mental health, so that even rural and remote communities have no access barriers. That's a significant thing.
It's not to say that everyone can be served in that tier, but you find out who can, and you find out who really then does need to go into the stepped care model of higher services. But if you start investing higher up here, you'll never know how many people could have had their needs met in the lower tier.
The other thing I would say to that is that systems outside health, community-based services and supports like housing and employment, are important for people to maintain their health and thrive in recovery.