I will have to cut it there.
Mr. Minister, we certainly thank you for your presentation. I think there's been a good exchange of information on both sides. I think your information will be helpful to our pre-budget work.
We will get back to you on the submissions you have on a magic stick or whatever it is, to see whether we can find a way to handle them to meet the requirements of the committee for both official languages.
The last point I'd make, Minister, is that this committee has heard from 92 substantive witnesses, either before committee in person or by video conference. A lot of good information has been provided and we have somewhere around 250 submissions that have come in to the committee within the time frame. Our analysts are working on the report as advice to you and your department on pre-budget hearings, and we hope to table it in the House. I'm hopeful that people from the Department of Finance were paying attention to some of those presentations, because we know the time frame is tight.
Thank you again for appearing today. We wish you the best.