Certainly. With the new Veterans Charter, if I were using an analogy, we could call it an old, rotten, leaky tire. From our perspective, what happens is that the government continually applies Band-Aids, patches, to that leaky tire. It's still leaking. It's still a rotten tire. It's going to have to be replaced, but we keep putting these Band-Aids on top. Every time we apply another solution or another benefit to the mix, without consolidating those financial benefits, we create a more complex mix that the veteran himself ends up having to navigate, sometimes with the assistance of a case manager, sometimes without.
I guess our point is that we always welcome new benefits. You'd be a fool to say “no” to a new benefit, provided it meets the target audience's need. But at the end of the day, if those new benefits aren't consolidated with other benefits into a simpler approach, we're going to risk confusing veterans even more. I can tell you that the confusion out there is already rife.