Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thank you, witnesses.
Mr. Rodrigue and Mr. Gallson, I don't want to be inconsiderate, but we had an entire panel here last week for two hours on mental health, so we've asked a lot of questions on mental health. I have limited time. I may get to you two fellows, but I want to get a better understanding of our situation with veterans.
Before I start, I think it should be noted to Mr. Campbell and Mr. Bedard that this committee, before commencing these hearings, asked the chair to write to the chairs of five separate committees like this one in Parliament to study parts of the bill that were more relevant to those particular committees. One was Veterans Affairs. Unfortunately, the committee or the chair or whoever chose not to take our invitation up. I think that's unfortunate, because having just the few minutes that we're going to have will probably not get us the information we need.
I want to get a better understanding of two things. One is the treatment that you talk about. Secondly I want a better understanding of the pension situation.
It seems to me that this has been continually churning out there for far too many years. The Minister of Veterans Affairs, I think is trying hard, but he keeps hanging his hat, when we ask questions about things, on the fact that they've opened x number of veterans' intake centres across the country.
I guess, Mr. Bedard, sometimes it comes down to either/or situations. In your view, would the government have been better off to do what you asked for rather than re-open these intake centres across the country?