One of the fundamentals under the User Fees Act and under the service fees act is that consultation is critically important in setting these fees. One thing the service fees act does, from our perspective, is first of all include all fees under that gamut, whereas only 18 fees are technically under the User Fees Act. The responsibility of the ministers and of the departments to actually engage is clearly now articulated in what departments have to do.
In terms of knowing the stakeholders and making sure that the organizations are consulted, I would have to put faith in my colleagues and departments to know who their stakeholders are. As for making this information public, given that the public would have to be consulted, given that on an annual basis departments will be tabling in Parliament where their fees are going, and given that the CPI and any adjustments from it will also be tabled as part of that report, the information is at least out there. If a stakeholder group is accidentally omitted, my feeling is that through the transparency of what is being reported, such a group would be able to raise their hand and say, we need to play in this and have some conversation around it.