Mr. Kingston, I believe one thing that the finance minister has done very strategically is slipped this idea of the infrastructure agency into the middle of a very thick document called the budget implementation act. As you can see by the discussion today and the witnesses we've had throughout these hearings, it's all focused on the infrastructure initiative. I believe that part of that strategy is to take away the focus on something like part 4, division 2. Let me just read what that is: it is the enactment of the borrowing authority act. This document gives the Canadian government the ability to borrow up to $1.3 trillion, and that covers $691 billion of federal debt, which equates to $7,000 per family of four, $276 billion in crown debt, and interest payments of $25 billion a year.
One thing that I think has happened here is this. Has the Business Council of Canada just simply given up on the idea that we should be focusing on our debt payments and on our significant debt situation, and be totally focused on stuff like the infrastructure bank?