I certainly appreciate my colleague's intentions on this, however, when a FIPA, or a foreign investment protection and promotion agreement, is made, it often outlines some of the concerns that are addressed here. Then in the next stage of a free trade agreement, there actually is an environmental assessment as well as an overview on human rights as well, even dealing with labour laws. One of the reasons why I supported the TPP.... Hopefully the government will be able to find plan B for TPP or whatnot. I don't think it's like this agency will be promoting Canada's interests abroad. We have established mechanisms that have been time tested; we have FIPAs with large countries; we have FIPAs with small countries and they are a very good process. Free trade happens if both parties benefit, but again, if we're going to be entering a more sophisticated relationship with another country, FIPAs and free trade agreements, I believe, do exactly what the member here is proposing.