No, I will not stray.
With that, this firm scaled up. It scaled up because of the employees it attracted and the partnerships it formed. That's important to know. When we look at companies around Canada, that's where they're partnering. We look at Invest in Canada, and we know that the government is there, partnering with it, putting in place government policies that will allow us to continue to grow our economy, especially in a period of time when there's a lot of volatility. We've seen a Q4 growth rate in Germany of 0%. We've seen the implications on the supply chains from the coronavirus. We've seen things taking place that we know will be harmful to economic growth globally. At the same time, we know that the Canadian government is partnering with and investing in companies in Canada from coast to coast to coast. You name the province, we are there. You name the area, we are there. We know that we have a role to play, especially with the situation.
Now, if possible, Chair, I would like to propose an amendment to the motion.