We know the lender wants more back than he gave in the first place. The lending option might be even more damaging, because if the government's paying for its corporate handout through the deficit spending, then that corporate handout will have to be paid off over time by taxpayers. That could be even worse. That's not to mention the fact that it had to be borrowed out of the economy in the first place, to whatever extent it was raised through domestic lending. That was money that will not be lent to a private business. It will be lent to the government.
There's no free lunch, as economists like to remind us. I think that's one of the reasons we need to have this study. We continue to hear from the bureaucracies and the recipients of these government corporate welfare programs how many benefits they are bestowing upon us, but nobody can tell us—we had the departments here, and you're here now—the damage it does to take the money out of the economy in the first place.
I would take you up on your offer that you would provide us with a report listing how many dollars of taxation it takes to kill a job. Then secondly you would provide us with your inventory of the number the government is spending on these corporate subsidies, because it will say the government is spending $5 billion on corporate handouts. How many jobs did it kill to take $5 billion out of the economy in the first place and then put it back into the hands of a select and favoured few?
Are you able to provide us with those two parts?