I'd really appreciate knowing that, because I'm getting a lot of questions from small business people about that aspect.
I want to circle back to the call centres. It's a bit of a broader question. Before this all happened, there were a number of reports from CFIB and Stantec Consulting that showed a lot of challenges with the call centres. This was actually internal, in that CRA requested the reporting internally. Small business owners were getting incomplete or inaccurate information: 41% of them reported that this was the case. The Stantec report found that 83% of Canadians had an experience that did not meet their needs.
Given the massive increase in calls that will happen because of this terrible situation we're now in, what is CRA going to do to make sure they can handle all of these new calls? I was briefed this morning by some departmental officials about a new call centre or something like that, and the process that was being set up, but could you comment on how you're going to handle the influx of new calls and make sure Canadians get timely and accurate information?