Thank you for your question. Indeed, we too must make our contribution as hotel operators. I congratulate the hotelier in your riding for doing that generously by offering his premises so people can be cared for.
To answer your question, the eligibility requirements and the program are still a bit hard to understand. In our industry, we've had to send a lot of people home and tell them we don't need them anymore because we don't have any customers.
According to the program, more than 90% of our people would be eligible, particularly with respect to the percentage of salary funding with a 30% loss of business income. Does that mean that I have to get all these people back to work, when I have nothing to give them because I don't have a client?
The flaw in the program is that I couldn't bring in the employees even if I wanted to. First of all, it will cost the government more money to fund employees for whom we do not have work. I need three, four or five employees at most to keep a big hotel open, because I have two, three, four or five guests a night. The problem with the program is, first, that it is hard to understand. Second, it cannot be applied across the board. I think it will have to take a different form for each industry. I understand that we cannot have a program that suits everyone, nor is it easy to have a program for each industry. We cannot choose as we please.
Indeed, the difficulty with the programs that have been put forward is often the interpretation of certain rules that could easily exclude someone for a technical reason. This is somewhat in the same vein as hoteliers who, as I said at the outset, are going to have booking cancellations when they are not operating because it is the off-season. In July, they will not have any reservations because no one is making reservations right now. Therefore, they will lose their reservations and income. This is where these programs, although proactive, need refinement and data that are easy to interpret and allow us to qualify easily without necessarily overtaxing the system while waiting for the recovery. That's why we're advocating an extension of the program, because when customers come back, we won't have immediate cash flow. We need to be able to take advantage of that kind of subsidy as we call back employees, not pay employees to do nothing, because right now we don't have a customer.