In terms of the small business loan program, yes, at the beginning everybody was caught off guard and reacted very strongly. Again today the Hotel Association of Canada has asked that we approach members of Parliament to find a way to facilitate access to the program, particularly with regard to the criteria.
The problem is, everything takes time because everyone's knocking on the door. Even today, a lot of people still need cash. Our industry entered a crisis at the end of the off-season, when liquidity ratios are lowest for the majority of operators. So this crisis could not have hit us at a worse time. We didn't choose it, and there's no telling when it's going to end. Even though criteria have been established, the lack of program speed and flexibility is making life a little difficult for us. It's not about accessibility, but about flexibility.
We can't set the standards today like we did yesterday. I think that's where there's work to be done.