Absolutely. I'll just share with you that my November hydro bill was $55,000, and $35,500 of that was global adjustment. As you will recall, the global adjustment is what was paid to subsidize inefficient wind and solar. Some $10,000 was for delivery, and only $2,000 was the actual electricity cost.
I started to look around in North America and compare what my inputs would be if I moved my business to the United States. We do military parts, so they are always encouraging us to move down to the States. I am paying 28.2ยข a kilowatt hour all in. I would be paying between a low end of four cents and a high end of seven cents a kilowatt hour.
In addition, many, many manufacturers in Ontario produce parts and pieces for the resource sector. The manufacturing sector and the resource sector are so interconnected. We need competitive energy to be able to compete and run our plants efficiently. We are also a supplier to the resource industry. If you go down my street, Nugget Avenue in Scarborough, there are four of us that do parts and pieces for the resource sector. When you take out the resource sector, you also take out manufacturing.
We are so blessed in this country to have innovation and technology to make our resource sector, through innovation, the cleanest in the world. We could also export the resources, such as our liquefied natural gas, and help countries like China come off coal and thus reduce emissions and have a cleaner world. Why are we not exploring those opportunities?
There are many, many companies that have innovative technology that allows the resource sector to work cleaner. Our company is one of those companies. Why are we not celebrating that and having that be the way to get through this terrible crisis? We need more tax dollars. We need more companies working, and we need more employees working. The way to do that is to tap into the resource sector projects that we have, or that we could have if we weren't tied up and prevented from doing so.