I appreciate that and I think that's information I'll definitely be passing along.
Any information you have around needing us to do some additional work around those who have language barriers, if you could pass it along to us in terms of the data that Mr. Poilievre had mentioned at the beginning, I'd be very grateful.
I have one last question for Ms. Torjman.
Ms. Torjman, you said something that I have been a little worried about. You said that between the interface of our introduction of the first tranche of programs for small businesses and our second tranche for small businesses, I think there were a number of small businesses or businesses that laid off people very quickly and technically, I think they didn't quite follow the rules. I think it's left many owners of small businesses a bit vulnerable.
I wonder if you might talk for maybe 30 seconds on that. Maybe you have a solution for us or something we should be looking at or thinking about right now so we can move forward and help them address this.