THat's a good question. Thank you, Mr. Vidal.
Regarding that whole piece on the wage subsidy program and the limited partnership model, there is a gap. I think there should be a targeted, specific project or plan to deal with that gap that's been identified.
A lot of our businesses across Canada are going to be affected. I've heard from a number of chiefs in every territory and province that their first nations businesses are going to be affected by COVID-19. They've had to shut their doors, like a lot of businesses. Their rents are due. Their fixed costs have to be looked after. They can't maintain their employee base. It's going to be affecting them, no question. There is a gap.
In terms of having a conversation with the Minister of Finance, not at this point in time, but within the next few days we are planning to reach out to set up that time to talk with Minister Bill Morneau about this issue, and others as well going forward.
We still have to make our points in the upcoming federal budget as well. Everybody is consumed with COVID-19 right now, but at the same time we have to start thinking about the budgeting process for 2020-21, and again maintain the momentum for the continued investment in infrastructure, the green economy, child welfare, health care and water. All those things have to be there as well. We want to bring this point up in addition to the investments in the upcoming federal budget.