Yes, thank you.
With regard to the government's response, we are in a pandemic. These are unprecedented times and certainly uncharted waters for both government and industry. I think our government has done a very good job of communicating to the general public how it is managing the situation. Some very strong measures have put in place to date, but to echo Charlotte's point, I think there does need to be some fine tuning.
Blake, your comment resonates with me, when you ask whether the sector is being forgotten. I don't think it's being forgotten, but I would certainly like to see it get greater priority, recognizing all of the comments that the witnesses have put forward. Certainly, this has been the hardest-hit industry. We're going to take the longest time to recover; you're absolutely right about that. Liquidity is king here. At the heart of all of it, we have to make sure that these businesses survive. I would really like to see the government put some priority around who can access this funding. It just makes sense that we don't have a mad rush of all industries that have been impacted, but that there be some acknowledgement that some industries have been harder hit and that we allow them to access funding that's been made available. That's just logical in my mind.
Secondly, in terms of a carve-out or sort of special attention, we did see in the U.S. that there was a specific carve-out for the food service and hospitality industry, where each property could apply for the small business and medium business loans that were put in place. If we don't get that definition right, then we are going to see even our medium and larger players potentially go out of business or not be in a position to hire back our workers, which is at the heart of what our businesses want to achieve. We want to be able to bring our workers back as quickly as possible. They're the face of our industry. There's been a best practice, and we'd really like to see the government put some specificity around who can access those loans and make food service and hospitality a priority, as they did in the U.S.
As we look ahead to stimulus, you're absolutely right, we need to have a strong stimulus package. By then, we will be able to see what other countries have done, and what they've done effectively, and learn from those lessons. There are some lessons also to learn from SARS, but there has to be a package for the sector so that we can recover.