Thank you for your question.
All my participating colleagues were very clear about this issue. For our industry, this crisis will have a long-lasting impact. We need two forms of assistance. The first concerns our workforce, which provides the services. The second concerns cash flow. The assistance that we want is very simple, because it already exists. It's the Canada emergency wage subsidy.
As everyone has said, some eligibility criteria must be changed. We completely agree with this. Most importantly, this measure should last at least 12 months for the tourism industry, or until the loss of revenue is less than the 15% that has just been adjusted. This measure is the most important step towards supporting our workforce.
The second measure for the workforce is really the work-sharing program. The program must be better adapted to our tourism situation and must provide more flexibility. As a result, our staff could be more versatile and could perform a variety of tasks in the tourism industry.
I want to address another measure that everyone mentioned and that concerns cash flow. It's extremely important to avoid simply implementing loan, loan guarantee and deferral measures. The industry needs much more than this. The industry needs exemptions. It needs air. We'll need to breathe and we'll need cash flow over the next 12 years. We know that, in Canada, the peak season for tourism businesses is very important. Businesses that are unable to do well and to generate substantial revenue next summer will need exemptions to get through next winter and to create a tourism offering in the future.
These are the most important measures that we need.