With that, we will have to thank our witnesses.
Thank you both, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Macdonald, for taking the time to come before committee to outline your concerns, your constructive criticism and your advice. We appreciate that very much.
[Technical difficulty—Editor]
[Prior to adjournment, the Chair read the following text:]
I will turn now to committee members, As some of you may already know, earlier today, our colleagues on the health committee were able to successfully conduct their proceedings using the new video conferencing solution that has now been put in place. The results were positive and, as a result, our clerk has now made the necessary arrangements so that our committee’s next meeting on Thursday, as well as most of our meetings going forward, are now expected to take place using this new video conferencing solution.
I am told that the experience in setting up the health committee meeting has further confirmed the importance for all meeting participants to test their connections and microphones in advance of the meeting. I would therefore ask all members to consider reserving a few minutes of their time in the coming days to work with the teams from the House that are contacting them to assist them in testing their connections, to help reduce the chances of technical issues during our meetings.