Good question.
Initially, when the government made the announcement, it set out $2 billion for the dairy sector. From that amount, it deducted $250 million that was allocated, about a year later, to what the government called an “investment program.”
This investment program was not a smooth venture, unfortunately. The program was very difficult to manage and was relatively unfair, since the funding was clearly inadequate. This approach was not successful.
From this perspective, the government was responsive to criticism. As a result, in the most recent compensation method, it recognized that the losses incurred by producers are real financial losses. Moreover, the product entries under CETA and the fill rates for the fine cheeses within the allocated quotas are almost 100%. We're talking about 96% or 97% over the past two years.
The damage caused by these agreements isn't theoretical. For the producers and processors, the damage is very real.