Just to clarify my comments, we are going to see large emitters pay about $200 million per year into the industrial component of the program. There's been some discussion already on revenue recycling, that it should go to the province from which it came and all of that. That's fine. Our view is that it should be recycled back to the industries that can make the biggest change with the money in order to see our overall carbon emissions as a country go down. This is the essence of our situation.
I think you're right that 1% per year has been really good, and that's what will continue. I don't know how much more of that we're going to be able to do for the next 30 years, but we're going to continue to do it, and we'll get more improvement incrementally.
What we are really talking about for the new investment is transformation. How do we create those really new technologies of the future that recast how steel is made, not just in our country but globally? This is a real opportunity. No one else is doing it. We don't think this is something that can be done overnight. We think that we need a systemic, year-by-year approach to find those solutions and really make those things work. I have some experience in innovation. I know that good projects come and go—