Yes, and if we went down 30% even in the heyday, we'd be in big trouble, just based on our margins, so that number is not part of our vocabulary.
Your community is an interesting one. The mill in your community was acquired by a slightly larger company some time ago. They then fold that mill into the larger company's revenue picture.
For that mill in your community, for Spruceland, if we can look at that mill's financial picture and make it fit outside the parent company, it would create an opportunity. If we can't do that, given the unique.... Forestry is not alone in this challenge in fitting to this 15% or 30% threshold. Maybe if you get 10%, the subsidy is a bit less. Those are a couple of fixes.
I'm encouraged to hear—and this confirms what we were starting to hear in the last day or so—that there could be an opportunity to implement this fix within the existing regulatory framework. We'll be doing that follow-up with the minister's office on Monday.