It is critically important that funding go to communities. When you look at what levels of government are able to provide to communities, communities are first on the ground with water and sewer services, street cleaning, everything. In our own community, we have four people at our water treatment plant. If two of them get sick, that's half our workforce. We are looking at how to keep providing the services we need to keep going, the expenditures we have. This sounds maybe a little morbid, but the reality is that our ice has been left on at our curling club in case we need to use it as a morgue because we have one space at our morgue.
We have expenses we need to take care of. As I said earlier, we've already spent in excess of about $180,000 that we're not going to get back.
Looking at the long-term effects, we don't know how long this is going to last. We can't run our municipality in a deficit. Cities, villages, towns across the country are all facing these impacts. The funding programs that have come out for businesses and individuals have been great, but municipalities are being hit pretty hard as well.