Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thanks to our witnesses for being here today. This is a very important panel, and we shout out to all of the shelter and supportive housing workers across the country who are putting their lives at risk in providing vital supports at shelters and in supportive housing. These people are Canadian heroes. That's why the NDP caucus has been calling for a courage bonus. It's to ensure that those front-line workers receive appropriate levels of financial support at this critical time.
I'd like to address my first questions to Mr. Williams.
Shayne, thank you for being here. I really appreciate your being available for this panel. I want to ask you a couple of questions.
First, what would Lookout need right away to deal with COVID-19?
Second, to what extend does opening the CERB to make it a universal benefit to people who are left out.... Seniors, students and people who are unemployed are all left out of the CERB. If we made it universal, as Jagmeet Singh has proposed and as it is already structured to be, what kind of difference would that make for the people you are working with?
Third, coming out of this crisis, a number of our witnesses have talked about the importance of not going back to the way we were before. You flagged in your presentation a national dental program—and national pharmacare is something that many people have stressed—and starting to build housing again, social, co-operative and affordable housing. How important is it to have a game plan coming out of this crisis so that we don't go back to a normal that had so much inequality?