Certainly our position all along has been that municipalities should qualify for that, to be perfectly frank. We brought that to cabinet ministers and to the Deputy Prime Minister. Certainly that was brought up at cabinet, and we were disappointed to hear the Minister of Finance and the Prime Minister say that municipalities would not qualify, but that would still not cover all the losses we're facing.
Certainly in Halifax, as I alluded to, we've let go 1,500 people right now, but that's just casual and part-time workers. As we get deeper into looking at our budgets and looking at all the financial losses we're facing, other things are going to have to go.
You come from a municipal background and thank you for that work. This whole crisis certainly exposes something we've been talking about—and I'm sure Mayor Bowman has been talking about—for a number of years, and that is the outdated fiscal framework we are all in.