Unquestionably, and that's certainly been our advocacy over a number of Parliaments.
The situation in Canada is that the rates have come down slightly from what was, on average, about 1.64% back before 2015. They came down to 1.5% and were supposed to be 1.4% right about now, actually, but because of programming issues and other issues, that is going to be captured at the end of the year.
The reality is that they're still four or five times what they are in Europe, and of course the volume of credit cards is going up massively because they're eating a bigger and bigger share of the wallet, especially in the COVID-19 situation. Frankly, the reductions we have received have basically been speed bumps in what has been a growth trajectory for the credit card companies, and obviously that cost gets passed on to consumers. In some respects, you get a reverse Robin Hood problem: People are cross-subsidizing the rewards for people who have high-value credit cards.