It is concerning, especially if you consider a scenario where interest rates start going up and debt-servicing costs become unbearable. However, such a scenario is not likely. It doesn't mean it's impossible. It is indeed concerning, but the Governor of the Bank of Canada and various stakeholders have warned Canadians for a number of years to stop piling on such high levels of debt because it's risky. However, Canadians have a big appetite for debt, as demonstrated by their spending habits and the fact that they incur more and more debt.
It is concerning, but when you look at these individual components, the question is this: Is the federal government in and of itself in a worrisome position right now? The answer is no, because debt-servicing costs are not that high. As you asked, if you start adding all these debts and you take the catastrophic approach whereby the federal government or the taxpayer ends up being responsible for all these, yes, it is a concerning amount of debt. The likelihood of all that falling on the shoulders of taxpayers is quite low.