Let me first of all say that we are very worried about people like the gentleman you're talking about. That's why we've been so focused on providing supports to businesses, not only for their employees but for their business going forward.
We are working to make sure that these programs are available as broadly as possible. Our emergency business account, which is providing loans of $40,000 to businesses, has now been taken up by an enormous number of small businesses—about 600,000, representing about $23 billion.
We recognize that there are still situations that are difficult. We are looking at how we can consider expanding that criteria to potentially capture businesses like the one that you're talking about, but we will not be able to capture every single challenge. That's the nature of this crisis. We're working hard to make sure, though, that the programs that we do have are having the broadest possible impact.
I will continue to focus on that, making adjustments as we go along so that we can support people like the one that you're identifying through measures that work, and thinking about, for those who fall through the cracks, whether there are other ways that we can be supportive.