Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thank you to the witnesses.
My questions will be for Mr. Dinsdale from the YMCA.
Mr. Dinsdale, thanks very much for your continued advocacy for the not-for-profit sector. We've heard from Imagine Canada and other not-for-profit advocates in the past few weeks.
I want to ask you about the Imagine Canada ask, as a matter of fact. The estimate that I'm running on, and it's the estimate that's been brought to this committee in the past, puts the value of the wage subsidy program and the commercial rent assistance program at over $4 billion for the not-for-profit and charity sectors. The sector, through Imagine Canada, has asked for $6 billion in support of a stabilization fund, as it has been put. I know this ask was significantly higher in the past, but we did hear recently that it has been reduced to $6 billion.
In your mind, what other costs would be captured by this? If it's not rent and wage support because of the existing programs that would help with that, what would a stabilization fund go towards? Over what time frame would you need this support?