Welcome to meeting number 29 of the House of Commons' Standing Committee on Finance. Pursuant to the order of reference on Tuesday, March 24, the committee is meeting on the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
I will remind everyone that this is being put onto ParlVU, and I will remind members to use the interpretation button at the bottom of the screen for the language they're speaking in. It comes through that way. Speak as slowly and clearly as you can for the benefit of our translators.
We're meeting this afternoon on panel one with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. We have Mr. Siddall, president and CEO; and Ms. Romy Bowers, senior vice-president, client solutions.
I see, Mr. President, that you have speaking notes, so go ahead; the floor is yours. We'll then go to rounds of questions from there.
Seeing as there is only one witness on this panel, I'll remind members of the speaking order for the first four. It will be Mr. Poilievre, Mr. Fraser, Mr. Ste-Marie and Mr. Julian.
The floor is yours, Mr. President.