Definitely. Thank you for the question.
One thing I can comment on happened yesterday. We had a meeting. We have a framework agreement with CRA where we have some joint committees. Yesterday, we were talking to CRA appeals, the area where it handles objections, tax appeals and that sort of thing. We were given an update on the status of turnaround times. It has sped up lower and middle complexity tax appeals. Now it is starting to address higher-level ones. One of the main things I took from the meeting yesterday—and a lot of other meetings, I'm just using this as an example—is that things are starting to improve. The turnaround time for appeals and objections has improved. We've heard that the turnaround time for taxpayer requests have also improved.
Another thing the CRA is implementing, which we have been helping on, is a system where taxpayers can track the requests they've made. The idea is that the CRA will log in your request, confirm you've made it and then give you status updates in terms of how it's going and when you can expect a response. That one will still take a little while to roll out, but I think, by and large, it is improving.
The phone system remains a challenge. That one, I'll be honest with you, I don't have as much background on in terms of data and that sort of thing.