Let me answer that in the reverse order.
First, as you know, in British Columbia the recycling system under Recycle BC is a 100% extended producer responsibility system. Those that produce packaging and put it into the economy are responsible for the cost of the recycling system. The number one thing we're doing is telling all the provinces that it is a model that has to be followed coast to coast. We have been effective in Ontario. Ontario is transitioning to the B.C. model. We're advocating for Alberta to do that. Quebec is going to have to figure that out as well.
Second, industry has to innovate, and there are some really exciting things happening. You have companies like Dow, which announced late last year that for the first time it is making a resin, a plastic material that goes into all the other products, that now contains 70% recovered plastic, creating that true circular economy.
The industry is committed to that. It's putting its own money where its mouth is, in innovation. It supports extended producer responsibility. It understands that it owns the issue of plastic waste and has to work with government officials and consumers to achieve that.