Thank you.
I just want to remind committee members of a couple of things. The first conversation about peak oil suggested we were running out of these products, oil and gas. The fact is that the extraordinary technological innovation in the sector demonstrated an ability to recover enormous new supplies. We have extraordinary supplies of both oil and gas in Canada, hundreds of years of supply of both. That's a phenomenal resource advantage.
When we talk about transition, I get very troubled, because the suggestion is that we're transitioning from these incredible resource supplies to something else, instead of saying, “How can we use these incredible resources better?” There are lots of ways for us to use them better. In fact, doing so depends on the engagement of the sector, not shutting it down. Therefore, the language of transition is problematic.
Mr. Fragiskatos, when you talk about renewables as though there's some move from one product to another in renewables, this is simply not true. First, every renewable is utterly dependent on the oil and gas sector in terms of the production of energy from them. Second, renewables are utterly dependent on hydrocarbons in order to be a reliable source of energy, so they can't operate independent of it. Third—